
What's in a Week?

Children's Church

Biblical teaching and worship for your little ones that’s engaging and fun, every Sunday. For ages 3 to 11.

Kids' Club

Games, challenges and activities with a short bible story on Wednesday evenings. For school years 2 to 6.


Daily, Ofsted-registered child care provision for 15 or 30 hours per week. Places must be booked.

New Mums & Babies

Space for new mums and their little ones to play, chat and socialise. Wednesday mornings, for babies up to 1 year.

Toddlers' Stay & Play

A relaxed place for parents/carers and their toddlers to play and socialise. For ages 1 to 4, on Wednesday afternoons.

Children's Worship

During each Sunday morning service, we have Children’s Worship! There's loads of time to sing and dance along to worship songs, hear fun and engaging Bible teaching, and get stuck into all sorts of other games and activities. Our lovely Children's Team are very experienced and checked to a high standard - which means your kids will be well looked-after. Our children are precious, and we want to make sure that they know not only how much they’re loved by God, but how much we all need Him, too.

It’s totally free, and for ages 3 to 11 with age-appropriate groups. You’ll be asked to take your kids into Children’s Worship a short time into the main service (only if you want them to go, of course!), and will just need to collect them at the end.

Kids' Club

Kids’ Club is exactly what it sounds like: a really fun club for kids! It’s an evening full of games, activities, challenges, and then a short Bible story. There’s plenty to keep your little ones engaged, and they can blow off a little after-school steam while still learning about Jesus.

Every Wednesday from 5:45-7pm, for school years 2 to 6. £1 each evening to cover costs.


We also run a Pre-School during the week! This is fully Ofsted-registered child care provision, and places do have to be booked. Children can start from the term after their second birthday, and our Pre-School is registered for 15- and 30-hour free nursery provision.

For more information on this and to enquire about registering (or any other questions you may have), please contact Norma using the link below.

New Mums & Babies

Every new mum knows first-hand how challenging this time can be – and how every little bit of support can help. New Mums and Babies is simply a midweek space for mums and their little ones (up to around a year old) to share, socialise, and play together in a stress-free environment.

There are plenty of toys for the young ones to play with, and as much tea and coffee as you can drink!

Every Wednesday from 10:30am to 12 noon.

Toddlers' Stay & Play

Toddlers’ Stay & Play is a relaxed place for parents/carers and their toddlers to chat and play together during the week, allowing your kids to learn social skills while having fun with different activities, and allowing you to meet new people and share experiences.

With refreshments available for both you and your kids, why not come along?

Every Wednesday from 1:30-3:00pm during term-time (10:30am-12:00pm during kids’ school summer holidays, and closed during other term breaks), with a cost of just £1 per family.

Sunday Morning Creche

We know that really young kids can be tricky sometimes. Although they’re obviously completely welcome to stay in our services, we do have an unstaffed creche space open for you to freely use if you’d prefer.

There are play mats and toys available for your little ones, and also a TV with the service showing on it – so you won’t miss anything!

Every Sunday service, from 10:30am to approximately 12:00 noon.

Got Teenagers?

For the next generation aged between 12 and 18, there's plenty going on that's designed specifically for them: All Nations YTH.