Giving at All Nations
There are so many ways in which we can "give" as an offering of worship to God - giving our time, energy, skills, and more - and we believe that giving financially is a part of this, too.
If you'd like to give, there are loads of ways: you can give in-person on Sundays at the church (using the contactless kiosks or other giving points), set up a Standing Order, or just give online via the giving link below.
Give Online
With this online form, you can give safely and securely. There's the option of setting up a Standing Order if you'd like, or simply make a one-off gift. If you are a UK Taxpayer, please don't forget to tick the Gift Aid option; it boosts any amount you give by 25%. Thank you so much!
Standing Orders
If you’d like to set up a Standing Order via your bank, you can do so with the details below. If you have any questions or are unsure of anything, just email our Finance Manager on or call 01234 273773.
Account Name: All Nations Church Bedford
Account Number: 51304198
Sort Code: 600213
Reference: Regular Giving
IBAN: GB79NWBK60021351304198
Where does the money go?
Our regular, weekly giving goes toward the week-to-week running of All Nations and all of its ministries. Our board of Trustees oversees the wise use of funds; transparency matters, and ultimately, it’s all for the Kingdom.
We also sometimes set-up special offerings for specific causes and projects – all with the aim of loving our community, and glorifying God. If you’d like to give to a specific fund rather than the Regular Giving, just click on the drop-down menu in our giving form.
Already Giving?
If you're already giving, please consider filling in the Gift Aid form below so that any future giving is automatically boosted by 25% by the Government. It makes a huge difference!